Miles Mortensen
Zapraszamy serdecznie na wyjątkowe warsztaty „Inverted State of Mind” prowadzone przez Milesa, doświadczonego i rozchwytywanego nauczyciela jogi z Londynu!
To niepowtarzalna okazja do zgłębienia tajników jogi i odkrycia nowego, intrygującego podejścia do praktyki.
16-17 listopada 2024 r.
Inverted State of Mind
Czego się nauczysz?
Inverted State of Mind is not a style of yoga per se but rather a mindset and attitude towards living and movement. It is an idea and community that exists as a space to inspire practitioners to move beyond what they believe they are capable of, both physically and mentally, through the exploration and implementation of tools that generate reflection and creativity, helping the student to gain autonomy and empowerment within themselves and their practice.
This weekend is a taste tester, a dive into that ethos.
Throughout this weekend, Miles will offer extended asana masterclasses through his two sequences – one focusing on forward folds, compression, and twisting, and the other focusing on hips, shoulders, and backbends. We will also dive into handstand and how to build a self-practice within it that is intelligent and sustainable, as well as the art of back bending and how to train them with specific conditioning exercises from gymnastics and contortion that are aimed at helping you build openness, stability and awareness into your spine, and to complete the postures without pain.
10:00-12:00 – Masterclass
14:00-17:00 – Handstand
10:00-12:00 – Masterclass
14:00 – 17:00 – Bakcbends